Saturday, April 4, 2015

Soak It Up at Rally

I can't hide my excitement!  Just one week from today Pink Zebra will release a new product line to add to our catalog!  Over 2,000 consultants have signed up for rallies across the country from California to New York to watch the reveal.  If you are curious too visit my website, Sprinkles on the Finger Lakes and register as a customer and you'll beginning receiving updates directly from Pink Zebra about all the latest news by email.  You can also email me, and I'll add you to the loop.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pink Champagne Mimosa

I love that I get to tell you about a NEW fragrance every month!  This month's Paisley's Pick is Pink Champagne Mimosa and is available for order today!  Our two other picks are still available until mid July when our current catalog ends.  To keep up with all our latest news sign up for my mailing list on my website My EZ PZ Life

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Always on Trend

Our team in the Pink Zebra home office is always on trend when choosing new products for us!  The host exclusive special is this classic tea pot.  Nice job team!  I still have time to fit you in for a home party (my favorite), party on the go, or Facebook party before May ends.  Let me know what works for you.  I'd love to help you earn this host exclusive for you party!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Big Shout Out

This week I used a new tool in my back office to send an email out to everyone on my team, all 689 of them!  Thank you Pink Zebra for giving me the tools I need to succeed.  Last year I set the goal of having a team of 500 ladies and gentlemen from all 50 states by the end of 2014.  I met the first part of my goal but I am still missing a few states.  Thank you to everyone who responded to my email checking in with your state. Below is the map published February 11th of the number of consultants we have in each state.
I heard back from 214 of my teammates and found that I have consultants in almost every state but I am in need of teammates in Utah, Montana, New Mexico, and Hawaii.  Oddly I do not have anyone in Washington DC.  So what could this mean for you?  

Pink Zebra is a growing company and has not entered the saturation phase of growth.  Look at those numbers on the map.  We do not even have one state that could be considered saturated and many of those states could be considered wide open markets.  Look at Vermont for instance, there are only 6 consultants in the entire state.  Think of the team you could grow there!  Actually look at me, I have consultants in nearly every state so team growth can happen regardless of geographic boundaries! 

If you want to know more about joining my team and/or growing your own team call, text, email or FB message me.  Pink Zebra is my FAVORITE thing to talk about! 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

I love that they invested in me!

Last month at our Regional Rallies and Spring Catalog Launch I revealed that Pink Zebra is investing a quarter million dollars in marketing which directly benefits our consultants!  The flip side of this is that now they are coming up with awesome sales just to try out the system!  It just keeps getting better with Pink Zebra.

Click Here to Shop Order or Join my Team
When I started this journey I had been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and I wanted my own business.  I knew lots of great business ladies but I also heard of their struggles about operating their brick and mortar businesses like employees, overhead, taxes, etc.  These struggles were probably the number one reason that I chose a direct sales company.  Here's a list of my top ten reasons for choosing Direct Sales:
  1. I made five figures in 2014 simply going to parties and events and leading and supporting my teammates. I am my own boss.  I work as little or as much as I want and on my own schedule. 
  2. I do not have employees.  I do however have team mates who are solely responsible for their own businesses. 
  3. I get to take a leadership role and mentor my team.  I love to help people that invest in themselves. 
  4. I have minimal overhead.  I do keep a small office in my home but that is for convenience and the tax write off. 
  5.  I do not have to write quarterly sales taxes reports.  Pink Zebra charges sales tax on all orders and takes care of it for me.  
  6. I get to meet new people ALL THE TIME.  They invite me over to their homes, introduce me to their friends, and serve me something I have seen on Pinterest.  I love home parties! 
  7. Pink Zebra can be strictly online.  I can have customers all across the company and I never have to pack or ship stock to them. 
  8. I do not have to develop a website but I can if I want to.  Pink Zebra offers me replicated website which is professional made and maintained.  
  9. I get to travel.  We have regional rallies, which I have been blessed to lead in Syracuse, NY with my good friend and team member.  We also have a national rally which is in Texas this year.  Several of my team mates have earned incentive trips to warm sandy places, a few will be heading to Jamaica next month. 
  10. I am my own boss.  I can work as little or as much as I'd like and you could too! 

I wanted a business.  Pink Zebra made that EZPZ. 
If you want to talk direct sales or learn more about Pink Zebra send me a message  

Monday, March 31, 2014

Feeling Chicken

No I'm not afraid or a scared y cat, I'm literally feeling chicken.  As you may already know that I work from home Mondays and Fridays and concentrate on my PZ business.  Today I started out checking my reports, my groups and messaging a few hostesses and consultants to see how their weekend went.  Then I moved on to the chicken.  Many times I will have a party in the evening or I'll do a craft fair or vendor show on the weekend so cooking is not my top priority those days.  While I'm working from home I stock pile some casseroles or prep some meals so its EZPZ on the days I need them.

Today I was feeling chicken.  Start by purchasing a large economy package of chicken breasts,  I like boneless and skinless because they are extra EZPZ.  Put them in a large pot and add plenty of cold water to cover them.  Start to boil these, then turn them down a bit and let them cook until they are no longer pink in the middle,  approx 30 minutes.  Then I remove them and let them cool enough to handle.  If you're interested in chicken soup you are left with a bit of stock,  its not nearly as hearty as when you boil chicken with bones but it will do.

I cube up my cooked chicken and divide it into pounds.   This is my fury kids' favorite part of the process.  All the puppy eyes and kitty whiskers are tuned into me dropping something on the floor.  I pretend its an accident when I do,  these fury kids are spoiled.  I load up some freezer bags with a pound of cubed chicken and label it so I can add it to a recipe later like some Chicken Alfredo or a Chicken, Bacon and Ranch home made pizza.

Then I start on my casserole creations.  I have a Tex Mex recipe on my Pinterest that I make every time we run out of my freezer stash of it,  I make 4 at a time.  Today I am trying out a new one from All Recipes.  This is my favorite website for food.  Today its Easy Chicken Casserole,  I put this on my EZPZ Recipe Board on Pinterest too.

1. Grease a 9" round foil pan or 9 X 9 pan.  I use foil because it can be recycled and I don't own as many real casserole dishes as my freezer habit requires.
2. Add a pound of cubed chicken.   I top mine with sauteed onions and mushrooms because we like that.
3. Mix 8 oz of sour cream, a can of cream of mushroom soup (because I hate cream of chicken but you can use it if you like) and a cup of milk together and spread on top of the chicken.
4. Crush up one sleeve of Ritz Crackers and sprinkle them on top.
5.  Cover and freeze or load right in the oven.  This thawed casserole with need 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven to cook.  I serve it over egg noodles which I prepare just before its dinner time.

When I find recipes like this I always make up a few extra casseroles to stash in the freezer for my busy days.  This is just one of the tips I've found to make my life a little more EZPZ.

What are you making for dinner?  Or did you already make it last month and you just have to heat it up?  I'd love to hear about your favorite EZPZ recipes.